World Music Vid of the Month, 'Stupid Much?' by The Skinner Brothers.

Zac Skinner - Is e ere to save rock n roll ?
English band The Skinner Brothers have released their much anticipated Album 'Soul Boy II'. The band led by Zac Skinner absolutely PACKS this album with rock 'n' roll swagger. Big sing along numbers rest easily aside quieter tracks where Zac rips his heart out and gives it to the listener with brutal honesty.
We are not early on the scene with this band with UK music lovers buzzing for this act and our soothsayer mates over at This Feeling backed them yonks ago.
The UK audience has for decades held this unbeatable belief that their amazing live indie rock scene will undoubtedly continue to throw up incredible bands to lead the next iteration of "rock n roll is saved'. The Skinner Brothers are certainly keeping that flame burning very brightly.
The music video (see below) for the EP track 'Stupid Much?' shows Zac getting around his early London stomping grounds, fresh memories of the time when he was doing the daily grind, dreaming of getting his music out to the world. The vibe of the video is one of genuine, earthy connection to place and identity. This ability as an artist and storyteller to so strongly connect to audience is a rare talent, sought by all artists, and one which will no doubt continue to fuel the fire of this amazing talent. The Video was directed by Connor Hill.
The Skinner Brothers are about to head off on what will no doubt be a massive tour with 20 shows across the UK in March alone! That is one seriously hard working band.